Friday, March 21, 2008

Check it out!

Ed Young the first min and a half are funny!


I ran 6.5 miles today on the Eastcoast Greenway - from the Airport to my house! It was great.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My whole body is sore!! I am trying to get in shape to run in a marathon and I know I need to start pushing myself harder to be able to get up to 26 miles and I need to lose about 30 pounds before the run in Oct. But sat I ran about 4.5 miles in 45 min and then Sunday I ran about 3 miles and Monday I ran about 5 miles in 50min and then yesterday I meet Leon at Old Mill High and we ran on this path I've never seen and then did sprints on the football field and I am sore and taking the day off - no running today - Crazy - I want to be at 13 miles by May

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I'm stoked about this Guys hiking trip in May. I get to do a pre trip at the end of this month and hike it out, so I am also excited about that! Anybody hike the South Trial of the AT in Maryland, it's about 17 miles we will be hiking.

What a day!!

Today has been a great day, except with the headache for 3 hours. I'm super excited about the service tomorrow night. We have been in a series called "All Out War" and we are talking about the Helmet of Salvation. I have been getting alot of good feedback about this series over the past couple of weeks. Tell me what you think?