As my dad takes the family and me to the airport for us to fly back to Baltimore after a two week vacation where we spent a week at the beach, celebrated 8th anniversary with my bride, and got to see a lot of friends and be challenged at the General Assembly. I am saddened and happy about my return to Maryland.
I'm saddened only for the fact that vacation is over and had to say goodbye to family.
I'm happy because I'm super happy and excited about what's going on at VERB and HCC over the next few months.
Here's a few things to list and pay attention to and pray for. On Thursday a group of middle and high school guys leave for WV for 3 days for Man Up where we will be whitewater rafting and rock climbing. Then I fly to ATL for a few days to tour the ATL Dreamcenter for some possible ministry opportunities next summer. Aug 8-10 is church wide summer bond. Then VERB will hit up Hershey Park on Aug 14. Aug 17-18 multi youth church event called Upside Down. Aug. 19 2013 summer missions meeting. Aug 22 VERBs own 7:14 service. Sept 2 VERBs Labor Day Party to kick off the fall semester. Sept 28-30 HS Fall Retreat. Oct 26 Halloweenfest with a Zombie Invasion. Nov. 17-19 middle school trip to OC for Alive.
I'm stoked about the fall and all I believe God is going to do in the lives of our students. Hopefully your just as excited and be in prayer for VERBs leadership team and be in prayer for the students to allow God to speak into their life and for them to speak into the lives of their friends.