This time of year is always crazy and VERB is no different! So I wanted to give you the inside scope on what all is happening with VERB through the holidays. So here it goes:
December 7th: Small groups 7pm (Band Practice at 6pm)
December 11th: Kids play 6pm no VERB service. The reason were not having a service is we have several students in the play along with several of my leadership teams kids (including mine) in the play. So we didn't want to battle with the show or miss it. Plus, we want to be supportive of future students of VERB. So, on this night we will have band pratice at 4pm and then open our doors for games and snacks at the bar at 5:30 and then close it all down at 5:55 to go over the the sanctuary. After the show we will open the VERB Lounge back up.
December 14th: Small groups 7pm (Band Pratice at 6pm)
December 18th: VERB Christmas Party (Band pratice at 4pm)
The party will consist of food (that we are hoping you can help bring...you know, some of the best Christmas food ever!!), Ugly Christmas Sweater contest, and Christmas games. Doors open at 5:30.
This is also an excellent opportunity for Students to bring non-persihable food items to help feed local Hungry children through Harmon's, Woodbridge and Hilltop Elementary Schools. (Check out the list of potential food items at the end of this blog)
December 21st: Small groups 7pm (Band pratice at 6pm)
December 25th: NO VERB: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
December 28th: NO VERB (Church closed)
January 1st: NO VERB
January 8th: VERB Moves to SUNDAY AM's!! (9am serivce in Grand Hall 1) Today will be the big switch from Sunday night to Sunday morning. We will no longer be offering anything on Sunday nights. Our full services will be from 9:00am to 10:15am with the VERB Lounge open for games and snacks till 11am.
Food to Feed Hungry Children